Knowledge Base
Articles and guides to help you understand and navigate the Keto and low carb world
Theodore’s Story
When beginning your keto journey, it can be incredibly beneficial to read about and learn from the experiences of others. This can help address your questions and alleviate any concerns you may have like; What motivated them to try a ketogenic diet? What was the preparation process like? How has it affected their child and family? While your dietitian can provide answers, hearing from someone who has firsthand experience is invaluable. In this article, Victoria shares her family’s experiences with the ketogenic diet, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to her for sharing their story.
Your Ketogenic Diet Pathway
A medical ketogenic diet is very low in carbohydrate, high in fat and has a moderate protein intake. Ketogenic diet therapy encompasses five main types of KD: classical KD, MCT KD, modified Atkins diet, modified KD and low glycaemic index treatment. Often referred to as medical ketogenic diets, these diets have been shown to be effective for treating a wide range of clinical conditions. In our keto clinic we offer these diets to treat children and adults with drug resistant epilepsy, migraines and metabolic disorders. In this article we discuss your ketogenic diet pathway and what you can expect.
Low Carb and Keto Diets
Both low carb and ketogenic diets require a reduction in carbohydrate intake from our standard typical diet, however the degree of carbohydrate reduction will vary. As people reduce their carbohydrate intake, many describe themselves as following a keto diet, but this is not technically correct, and can in fact be confusing! So let’s not get hung up on labels, instead lets focus on identifying the right level of carbohydrate reduction for you. This article discusses the differences between low carb and keto diets helping you to identify which approach could be right for you.