News & Updates
All of the latest news updates and updates from The Keto Dietitian and around the Keto and low carb community
Keto Masterclass Istanbul 2024
I was honoured to be invited to speak at Nutricia’s Specialized Nutrition Expo for Dietitians, Paediatricians and Neurologists from the Middle East and North Africa regions. We had a ketogenic and metabolic satellite symposium focussed on all things keto and metabolic. Some attendees had years of experience with ketogenic diets and others were new to the speciality and ready to learn about all things keto! It was a really wonderful opportunity to share practice and ideas.
Theodore’s Story
When beginning your keto journey, it can be incredibly beneficial to read about and learn from the experiences of others. This can help address your questions and alleviate any concerns you may have like; What motivated them to try a ketogenic diet? What was the preparation process like? How has it affected their child and family? While your dietitian can provide answers, hearing from someone who has firsthand experience is invaluable. In this article, Victoria shares her family’s experiences with the ketogenic diet, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to her for sharing their story.
Global Keto #KETO2021 comes to Brighton!
The 7th Global Symposium on Medical Ketogenic Dietary Therapies – this symposium is unique in that it brings together health professionals, researchers, and industry representatives from many different disciplines, including basic science, clinical research, clinical practice, and product development. This symposium was particularly special as we celebrated 100 years of ketogenic diet (KD) therapy! In this article I’ll give an overview of how it went with some of my highlights from the week.